Gertraud Erler -
Astbühel 277 -
6283 Hippach - Austria
- Telephone & Fax: +43 (0)5282 - 4170
Mobile: +43-677-63033207 - E-Mail: info@pension-erler.at
All inclusive
In the heart of
Tirol, surrounded by the majestic panorama of the Zillertaler and Tuxer
Alps, the Zillertal offers everything which makes the heart of the
mountain- and naturefriends beat faster: clean air, All advantages in a row:
for families: All about the prices and validity you will find here::ZILLERTAL ACTIVCARD |
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Erler - Hippach im Zillertal - Privatzimmer mit 3 Edelweiss-Gütezeichenensionl"